Injustice Everywhere has an interesting project going: the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project. Here is the stated goal:
The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project utilizes news media reports of police misconduct to generate statistical information in an effort to approximate how prevalent police misconduct may be in the United States.
As part of this project, reported incidents of misconduct are aggregated into a news feed on Twitter and added into an off-line database where duplicate entries and updates are removed and remaining unique stories are categorized for statistical information in monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports here on this site.
A sampling of the statistics...
The following quarterly report for the second quarter of 2009 was generated from data gathered in April, May, and June of 2009.
1,313 Alleged incidents tracked in national news media.
14.4 Reported incidents tracked per day on average.
1,457 Law enforcement officers cited in reports.
122 Law enforcement leaders (police chiefs & sheriffs) cited.
1,390 Alleged victims specifically cited.
142 Fatalities reported in connection with alleged instances of misconduct or criminal activity.
$72,049,301 Reported costs in police misconduct related civil litigation.
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