Online Service Address: 3620 Hacks Cross Road, Bldg B, 3rd Floor Memphis, TN 38125-8800
Phone Number: 800-872-8025
Note(s): For FedEx Express subpoenas contact Tracey Ferrara: 901-434-8568.
For FedEx Ground or Home Delivery contact Janet Cleversy: 412-859-5830
This is great!
Whoever is responsible for the content of this page, NEITHER OF THESE individuals is employed with the company any longer!
Just spoke with FedEx Legal at 901-434-8600. You can send subpoenas to:
fxesubpoena@fedex.com OR Fax to 901-434-9270.
You can send subpoena via Fax: 4127478496 or email: fxgsubpoena@fedex.com
9/12/2019: Per my conversation, you can call 901-434-8600 and send the subpoena to at above address. or email to: EXPRESSSUBPOENAS@FEDEX.COM
There are different contact persons, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses between FedEx Ground and FedEx Express.
For FedEx Ground, the fax number is 4127478496. Email: FXGSUBPOENA@FEDEX.COM
Where does a subpoena go for FedEx Standard Overnight?
to submit a subpoena:
FedEx Express - fxesubpoena@fedex.com
FedEx Ground - fxgsubpoena@fedex.com
FedEx Office - fxosubpoena@fedex.com
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