Friday, January 22, 2010

Yahoo! Subpoena Compliance

Yahoo! Legal Department
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Compliance Phone: 408-349-3687
Compliance Fax: 408-349-7941

DOUG MACGOWAN - Legal Assistant II
(408) 349-5163


Anonymous said...

What does Yahoo do if someone with a criminal arrest background for lets say "fraud" requests for IP information on Yahoo site. Does having a criminal background affect someones rights for obtaining a subpoena?

Mercutio said...

No. The subpoena is issued by a court.
I believe a subpoena requires a pending proceeding, the requests must be specific, and the opposing party has a right to object to any request.

Anonymous said...

If the court determines that the information is pertinent to a criminal investigative matter, the opposing party cannot object to the request, and in fact the court can order that Yahoo! not disclose to the opposing party the fact that they even received a subpoena for the opposing party's information.

Richard C. Lambert said...

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