Monday, October 19, 2009

Cricket Cell Phone Subpoena Compliance

Custodian of Records
Attention: Subpoena Compliance
Cricket Communications/Leap Wireless
10307 Pacific Center Court
San Diego, California 92121
Fax: (858) 882-9237
Voice (858) 882-9301

Submission options: Pen register/trap & trace or Wiretap, email or scan to:

Other process: email or scan to: If no email, request may be faxed to: (858) 882-9237. Response time approx 2-3 weeks. A fee may be assessed for production of requested information.


Unknown said...

Really good information about the Custodian of Records, and about the cell phone is good to read.


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Unknown said...

A fee may be assessed for production of requested information.
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Anonymous said...

id like to report this number 505-2612636 for killing the lady with threats and all the bad things the owner did to the lady.

Anonymous said...

investigate the owner of the number 505-2612636 for killing the lady.

Unknown said...

I do concur - I play with the coaches at my somebody cricket lodge, and also the laborious agglomeration is oft a contest for the kids. we tend to use compliant globe games to motive them wont to striking and phones

Anonymous said...

So does this mean my new Boyfriend is about to face legal problems?

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