Public Defender Jeff Adachi To Join Brady Discussion Friday
October 13th, 2010 | Category: Press Releases
WHO: San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi and Assistant Public Defender Phoenix Streets will join defense attorneys, prosecutors, law professors and judges for a panel discussion devoted to Brady disclosure—the law at the heart of the citywide scandal involving dozens of SFPD employees with criminal records or misconduct allegations.
WHAT: The panel, Pretrial Discovery of Evidence and Brady Disclosure, is part of a daylong symposium, “Navigating Prosecutorial Ethics: A Roundtable Discussion of the ABA’s Standards for Criminal Litigation.” The symposium, which brings together the preeminent attorneys and scholars, is put on by the American Bar Association, Hastings Law Journal and the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly.
WHEN Friday, October 15
Pretrial Discovery of Evidence and Brady Disclosure Panel
10 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
WHERE: Hastings College of the Law, Kane Building
200 McAllister Street, San Francisco
WHY: Earlier this year, two scandals in San Francisco thrust Brady issues into the spotlight: A massive breakdown of the SFPD crime lab and the revelation that San Franciscans may have been illegally convicted based on the testimony of officers with hidden criminal violations. The District Attorney has since implemented a Brady policy, but has not provided defense attorneys with a list of officers with criminal pasts.
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