Friday, July 17, 2009

The Componant Method to Criminal Investigations

The Criminal Defense Investigation Training Council has an interesting collection of resources for the criminal investigators with topics including defense of entrapment cases, the role of the investigator, and this interesting piece entitled "The Component Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Conducting Criminal Defense Investigations". For those of you wondering what the component method is...
The Component Method utilizes accepted and proven investigative procedure in an easy to follow format. Each component of the investigation process is designed to uncover leads and develop questions leading to the next component. The subsequent components support the investigator’s efforts to track leads and answer questions developed in previous components.

It is made up of six parts:

1. Investigative Case Review & Analysis
2. The Defendant Interview
3. Crime Scene Examination, Diagrams & Photography
4. Victim/Witness Background Investigations
5. Witness Interviews & Statements
6. Report of Investigation & Testifying

It's nice to have a framework for an investigation, and the role of experts is touched on as well...
The Component Method also reinforces the investigator’s role as the primary investigator in control of the course of the investigation. Utilization of resources such as forensic experts and specialists to support the primary investigator and his pursuit of the truth is also explored. In addition, the investigator’s responsibility as a thinker and strategist is discussed on an intellectual as well as practical level.

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