Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nazi Lowriders

The Nazi Lowriders or NLR or "The Ride" are a white supremacist criminal organization primarily based in southern California, although it is believed to have spread to other states. They are affiliated with the larger and more notorious gang, the Aryan Brotherhood, and the Ku Klux Klan. Their main rivals are the Bloods, the Crips, Northern California Chicano gang members, e.g. Norteños, the Black Guerrilla Family, Nuestra Familia, Mara Salvatrucha, the Los Angeles crime family, the Russian Mafia, Friends Stand United, Jewish Defense League, Los Zetas, the Israeli mafia, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Members of the gang often display tattoos promoting White Supremacy beliefs such as SWP (Supreme White Power), White Pride, White Power, NLR, the swastika, 88 (Heil Hitler), SS, lightning bolts and other Nazi-related images. Also satanic tattoos (skulls and demons) are commonly used by White Supremacy groups as well as Vikings and other Germanic and Celtic images. NLR members may wear T-shirts printed with white power logos and bands and adopt the skinhead style of dress. Members often deny membership and claim the NLR stands for "never lose respect" or "no longer racist." Some Hispanic members have been accepted into the group, but according to one former member, "you must have at least half white blood, but no black blood."

The Anti-Defamation League's profile on the Nazi Lowriders can be found here.


Anonymous said...

hello. i'd like to discuss some of your information and it's accuracy concerning N.L.R.. when i got my "war ink" (bolts/swaz)in the C.D.C. (cal.dep.cor.)it was in the mid eighties. i was approached by some of the "fellas" (the brand) and asked if i wanted to be somebody. at first i thought they wanted to give me a "rock" (shamrock/a.b.mark)but no. they wanted to sponsor me into the n.l.r. first. when i got in the ride was a sort of o.c.s. (officer candacy school) for the brand. the heat in the system was coming down on the big homies too tough and they needed to recruit in a different fashion. we were to be above all; low and slow, slippin and slidin. n.l.r. is a prison gang and we would only recuit from inside (we had a negotiated peace with skinz and that was a stipulation we-inside/skinz-outside only)you had to be behind a wall (level III or higher), not a fence,and no black! we got the handle "lowrider" because when you saw us on the yard, we had structured our organization after the "sur" (mexican/southern united race)design. we looked, organized, and performed much as the surenoes do. we were constantly being identified as "white lowriders". in the nineties we became ambitious in our designs to fill the void being created by cali'z new "disruptive gang" statutes and the indeterminant "shu" (segragated housing unit) terms for the validated a.b. members. we began a campaign to take over. in response the brand hired various skinz to squash the rebellion. we (n.l.r.)forged a united front with the skinz in which we (n.l.r./skinz) would take control. the brand responded by handing out "rocks" (a.b. membership) to the big homies(founding fathers)of the biggest skin cars (groups designated by local) and forcing them to "clean thier house" (assasinate all rebels seen as traitors). somewhere during this time, it became glamourous to become an n.l.r. member. the rules also changed about how you were to conduct yourself. now it was about notoriety and being the "headlines". this is when the k.k.k. and other such lames got involved.this is when i relocated and left the game behind. that is some early history, between the time when n.l.r. was founded in c.y.a.(cal.youth authority)and when it became recognized as a "disruptive gang" force in the c.d.c.

therealdeal said...
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therealdeal said...

o.c.s.? what the heck is this guy talking about? I was original and this is not how I remember it at all... 1st N.L.R got its name from the mexican gang members in Y.T.S. in Chino... the first four fathers dressed in baggy pants and over sized shirts and looked like they were "Low Riding"... even though we started in preston we got our name in Y.t.S... a "ese" (mexican) cat called a brother walking the yard one day saying " what are you some kind of low rider? the brother replied "F@#$ you I'm a Nazi!" the ese laughed and told him " ordele homie its a Nazi Low Rider!" " war Ink"? lets get this understood in the begining the nlr were answering to no one we contracted out to the a.b. and did put work in for them but we answered to no one there was no structure exept for what we put into action as we grew we were the elite and asssociated with only ourselves and held control over most yards in california with as few as two members per prison it was a true joy if there was 2 on one yard at a time when we grew to 200+ we started to structure and put rules in place such as the senior rule where you couldnt become one unless there was a meeting of 3 or more big homies who had to say yes and it was blood in blood out...we who truely remember those days earned our letters a letter at a time... i ramble some but the bottom line is i was there when the word came down to allign fully with the a.b. and stood strong with my comrads who from the start answered to no one...we all were asked several time to earn our rock and refused... we were referred to as "oh you're one of those " never as "brother " or "comrad" from the brand as much work as we put in for them over 20 years they never awknowelded us as anything other than "one of those" until we become too strong for any one to control and thier numbers dwindled... then and only then did the brand offer some week hearted dope fiend riders the opportunity to get their rocks..all of which were never getting out and locked up in pelican bay celled next to a brand member... it was at that time we split into 2 factions abnlr and ftbnlr (f@#!the brand)the ab gave the green light to the mexican mob to regulate all riders on shu yards wtf! who are they to tell another race to regulate us..that coming from our own race...then put out word to clean house...i actually was told to hit (kill) a brother that I grew up with as a kid for failing to deliver a kite to another brother who had been transferred before he got to the yard he was at...yeah i left too but lets get the story strait if we are going to tell it...there are a lot of perpetraters out there and a lot of sympithizers who would like to fancy themselves to be nlr and even though my guns are hung up i am insulted by the postings i see by people who might have been around but never lived the ride...i earned my scars and my letters the hard way and have a real bad taste in my mouth as to how things went i still lay awake at night with cold sweats of the shit we did back then the carnage we left behind and the comrads i watched die at the hands of others even the ab 18 years of riding forever embedded in my mind...this is not a fantacy fairy tale its a real life horror and i lived it so think twice before you post some crap about what you percieve to be fact in your mind because those of us that lived it have computers too

therealdeal said...

o.c.s.? what the heck is this guy talking about? I was original and this is not how I remember it at all... 1st N.L.R got its name from the mexican gang members in Y.T.S. in Chino... the first four fathers dressed in baggy pants and over sized shirts and looked like they were "Low Riding"... even though we started in preston we got our name in Y.t.S... a "ese" (mexican) cat called a brother walking the yard one day saying " what are you some kind of low rider? the brother replied "F@#$ you I'm a Nazi!" the ese laughed and told him " ordele homie its a Nazi Low Rider!" " war Ink"? lets get this understood in the begining the nlr were answering to no one we contracted out to the a.b. and did put work in for them but we answered to no one there was no structure exept for what we put into action as we grew we were the elite and asssociated with only ourselves and held control over most yards in california with as few as two members per prison it was a true joy if there was 2 on one yard at a time when we grew to 200+ we started to structure and put rules in place such as the senior rule where you couldnt become one unless there was a meeting of 3 or more big homies who had to say yes and it was blood in blood out...we who truely remember those days earned our letters a letter at a time... i ramble some but the bottom line is i was there when the word came down to allign fully with the a.b. and stood strong with my comrads who from the start answered to no one...we all were asked several time to earn our rock and refused... we were referred to as "oh you're one of those " never as "brother " or "comrad" from the brand as much work as we put in for them over 20 years they never awknowelded us as anything other than "one of those" until we become too strong for any one to control and thier numbers dwindled... then and only then did the brand offer some week hearted dope fiend riders the opportunity to get their rocks..all of which were never getting out and locked up in pelican bay celled next to a brand member... it was at that time we split into 2 factions abnlr and ftbnlr (f@#!the brand)the ab gave the green light to the mexican mob to regulate all riders on shu yards wtf! who are they to tell another race to regulate us..that coming from our own race...then put out word to clean house...i actually was told to hit (kill) a brother that I grew up with as a kid for failing to deliver a kite to another brother who had been transferred before he got to the yard he was at...yeah i left too but lets get the story strait if we are going to tell it...there are a lot of perpetraters out there and a lot of sympithizers who would like to fancy themselves to be nlr and even though my guns are hung up i am insulted by the postings i see by people who might have been around but never lived the ride...i earned my scars and my letters the hard way and have a real bad taste in my mouth as to how things went i still lay awake at night with cold sweats of the shit we did back then the carnage we left behind and the comrads i watched die at the hands of others even the ab 18 years of riding forever embedded in my mind...this is not a fantacy fairy tale its a real life horror and i lived it so think twice before you post some crap about what you percieve to be fact in your mind because those of us that lived it have computers too